Bangor Grammar School

Food Technology


Mrs Jessica Wedick

Mrs Lynsey McDermott

Mrs Margaret Macleod

Ms B Storey (Technician)

Subject Overview

Food is a global issue, of everyday importance to people and a necessity in life. We are all consumers, users and makers of food. If children are not educated about food from an early age they will still make food choices, develop preferences and find ways of meeting their food needs, but from a very low baseline of knowledge and understanding. Being out of control in this way makes them powerless, passive rather than active citizens.

Food education can make a real difference to the quality of people's lives. It empowers them to make choices and provides them with a greater range of options. Not to be educated about food has consequences for the quality of life.


The Food Technology department has 2 fully equipped state of the art Food rooms.


The department continues to grow in numbers with many pupils studying GCSE Food & Nutrition and A Level Nutrition & Food Science.

Key Stage 3

In Years 8, 9 and 10 pupils get the opportunity to examine key concepts in relation to healthy eating, home and family life and independent living. Each year is divided into a series of units which are designed to be enjoyable, challenging and relevant for our young people. A wide range of practical cookery is built into each unit of work so that pupils can develop a range of important skills such as working with others, thinking for themselves, cooking skills and using equipment. Practical cookery is enjoyed greatly by all pupils in Key Stage 3 and is a wonderful opportunity for them to develop healthy attitudes to food whilst learning some life-long skills.

Key Stage 4

Awarding body CCEA - GCSE Food & Nutrition builds on the skills (including practical skills) already developed in Key Stage 3. Pupils study two components; Component 1: Food & Nutrition Component 2: Practical Food & Nutrition.

CCEA GCSE Food & Nutrition

Key Stage 5

A Level Nutrition and Food Science was introduced in September 2018.

This specification gives students opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of:

  • nutrition and food science;
  • how to manage resources to meet an identified human need in a diverse and changing society;
  • the rapid technological changes and the growth of scientific knowledge and understanding;
  • issues affecting our food supply and how these impact on the environment;
  • the ethical implications of food production; and
  • carrying out research.


Career Opportunities

The food industry is very competitive and is constantly changing to meet consumer demands and use technological innovations. As the world population increases, food technologists are challenged with developing innovative applications in biotechnology and processing of food, as well as understanding the link between food, nutrition and health. Consequently there is an increasing need for graduates to work in a range of food business activities.

A degree in food science can lead to a range of jobs in sectors as diverse as engineering, agriculture, and health. Food manufacturers, producers and retailers are large employers, as are government departments which develop food policy. The food industry requires skilled personnel to ensure a consistent supply of quality product for ever-discerning, quality-conscious consumers.

The following Full-Time undergraduate courses are available through Queens, Ulster and Loughry.

Queens University University of Ulster Loughry College (affiliated to the University of Ulster

Food Science and Food Security MSci

Food & Nutrition BSc (Hons) Food Business Mg BSc (Hons)

Food Quality, Safety & Nutrition BSc

Consumer Management & Food Innovation Bsc (Hons) Food Design & Nutrition BSc (Hons)

Culinary Arts Management BSc

Food Technology BSc (Hons)

Dietetics BSc

Environmental Health BSc (Hons)